lördag 20 februari 2010

PhotoHunt theme # 201 -"Cuddly"/ Fotojakttema nr 201 "Cuddley" ("Gosigt")

This week's PhotoHunt theme # 201 is "Cuddly". Here is Calle Cat resting among alot of cuddley toys. Calle is a very patient cat. Little five year old Elisabet wants to cuddle with him all the time!
Denna veckas Fotojakttema är "Cuddly" d.v.s. "Gosigt". Här ser vi Calle Katt bland många gosigdjur. Calle är en mycket tålmodig katt. Lilla femåriga Elisabet vill gärna gosa med honom, jämt!

Purrs/ Med mjuk tass,
Sara Katt

10 kommentarer:

Anneke (Mudhooks) sa...

Cats AND stuffed toys! Covering ALL the bases!

I couldn't find a single "cuddly" photo (out of 41,000 photos). My cat doesn't cuddle. EVER. So I "sort of cheated" this week...

Randi sa...

Så gulligt och mysigt det ser ut!

Marie sa...

Ljuvligt! Ser såååå mysigt ut.

gengen sa...

Oh looks cofy and cuddly...Happy hunting. Mine is up too.

CRIZ LAI sa...

Ok... I will pick the biggest "toy" there to cuddle.. hehe! Nice shot!


catsynth sa...

Very cuddly, all around. Will the real cuddly cat please stand up? :)

Scott Law sa...

Funny how close yours is to Anna's Adornments. Cats must love to cuddle in the cuddly toys. Nice pic of a cute cat and great angle on the cuddly theme this week.
Scott at World’s Best Photography Blog ;^)

Anonym sa...

how funny and cute.

Anonym sa...

how funny and cute.

jams o donnell sa...

What a handsome fellow. I would want to cuddle him all day too!