söndag 11 april 2010

PhotoHunt Theme # 208 "Vertical"/ Fotojakt tema nr 208 "Lodrätt"

This week's PhotoHunt Theme # 208 is "Vertical" and I did not think I would play PH at all. I had trouble getting my human/two-legged mommy to help me. All the two-legs have colds! So we four-footed fur-persons are not getting the attention we should. Or so I thought. One day late, I get help.
Den här veckans upplaga av Fotojakt nr 208 har "Lodrätt" som tema. Jag trodde inte att jag skulle hinna med p.g.a. att alla tvåbenta är förkylda. Matte har haft svårt att hjälpa mig. Men hör och häpna, jag klarade uppdraget själv! En dag för sent, visserligen, men ändå!
Enough said. My take on "vertical" is about interior design. What do you do if you have high ceilings? Yes, I know, most do not live were the ceiling is very far from the floor, but it just happens that we do. My mommy has arranged narrow and high bookshelves that really express the "vertical" aspects of a room.
Nog sagt, min tolkning av "lodrätt" är inredningsmässig. Hur gör man när man har högt till innertaket? Ja, ja, jag vet att de flesta inte har höga tak där de bor, men vi har det. Matte har ordnat smala och höga bokhyllor som verkligen förstärker rummets vertikala, lodräta aspekter.

This is the hide-a-way bookshelf behind a door in the kitchen. Visitors don't see our collection of books. You could think that we never read.
Här ser vi en undangömd bokhylla i köket. Besökare som inte ser vår boksamling skulle kunna tro att vi aldrig läser.

And here is a similar vertical bookshelf, also somewhat hidden behind a door, in the dining-room (where no one is allowed to eat, by the way).
Och här hänger en liknande bokhylla, på sätt och vis skymd bakom dörren, i matsalen (där ingen får äta, förresten).
And lastly, here is one of my favourite hiding places, my igloo next to this vertical bookshelf.
Och slutligen, här får ni se ett av mina älsklingsgömställen, min igloo som står bredvid den här lodräta bokhyllan.

Now you know that we do indeed own some books and read!
Nu vet ni att vi verkligen äger några böcker och läser!
Happy weekend!/Trevlig helg!
Sara Cat/Sara Katt

First Commenter/Den första som lämnar en kommentar:
Ana of
photoblog>mostly flowers


17 kommentarer:

Ana sa...

Your igloo is soooo cool! Nice vertical photos too, your two-legged Mommy knows how to decorate for sure :)

Marites sa...

gee, i love those bookshelves. Haven't seen one like that before. I love your igloo too:) Must be really comfortable sleeping in it:)

Sreisaat Adventures sa...

Ooooh, I love your vertical bookshelves! It's a clever idea indeed to have vertical shelves to accentuate a high ceiling :D
Did you buy it or made it yourself? Sorry to hear about the cold virus affecting your family. We just had recovered from it about a week ago.

P.S. One of my dogs is sad and is looking for playmates. Will you be interested? :D

Sara Katt sa...

@Ana - Thanks, I really like my igloo. Mommy bought the shelves from IKEA. Unfortunately, they stopped selling them. They were the inside of inexpensive bathroom cupboards, that you could hing different doors on to. Yeah, Mommy is clever, and has a really clever friend who gave her the idea.
@Marites - The bookshelves as they are presented here are not for sale anywhere. Read my comment to Ana. I think furniture-makers should make bookshelves and other kinds of furniture for the way a lot of people really live: crowded, cramped! Space is expensive. So there should be furniture that is small, light-weight, compact and practical.
@ Sreisaat Adventures - Please read the first two comments.
Thank you for you thoughts about our running noses and coughs. Bless you.

Actually, I am a little shy. I was the littliest in a litter of two girls and four boy kittens, so it was thanks to Mommy that I survived. She immediately saw my future talents as writer-designer and scooped me up whenever my brothers got too rough.
But why not? I'd love to meet your dog. I could at least send a cheery greeting?

Sara Cat

magiceye sa...

that is neat!

Ingrid sa...

The bookshelves are very nice, but it is a shame that you cannot climb on them because of the flower pots on the top ! Your napping place is real cosy !

LifeRamblings sa...

love your vertical bookshelves. they are very neat and pleasing to the eyes.

gengen sa...

I like your blue vertical shelf...Happy hunting and thanks for coming by...

YTSL sa...

Do you get tempted to climb/jump up to the top of those bookcases? Hope you don't because those potted plants surely would come crashing down if you did! ;b

Rebecca sa...

I'm so glad the humans are feeling better! Nice take on vertical...and I love high ceilings!

jams o donnell sa...

Nice book cases but no place for a cat on top I see! Ah well there is a nice igloo instead!

Jama sa...

Neat bookshelf! I can see another vertical, next to the book shelf,those pans arranged in a vertical row, neat idea!

Scott Law sa...

Very clever way to keep plenty of good books around and great take on the vertical theme.

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I've revamped my vertical photo and will be posting it in a new post tomorrow if you care to stop by and see the new and improved version.

julie sa...

Those bookshelves are neat!

LivingforGod sa...

Your vertical bookshelves are very cool! The igloo is so cute.

Thanks for visiting my photo blog. Have a wonderful week!

EG CameraGirl sa...

I like your mommy's vertical shelving! And your bed is very comfy looking!

Alice Audrey sa...

All those books! My kind of vertical!